mental health

Empty Nesting: The Upsides, Downsides and Tips for a Fresh Chapter Mindset

Empty Nesting: The Upsides, Downsides and Tips for a Fresh Chapter Mindset

I’ve come to understand empty nest as a verb, “empty nesting” I like to call it. The letting go process is fundamental to parenting and continuous. Some empty nest experiences create such emotional turmoil and sadness that parents face empty nest syndrome. Each person needs to find where they want to direct that new energy but I think the first step is to frame this stage of life with a FRESH CHAPTER MINDSET. 

Why Adult ADHD Is Rising: 4 Tools To Embrace The Gifts ofYour ADHD Brain

Why Adult ADHD Is Rising: 4 Tools To Embrace The Gifts ofYour ADHD Brain

So many adult clients I meet with have no idea that their ADHD brain is impacting the way they think, behave and feel––and how they show up in their relationships. I have a keen eye for picking up on the signs.The first step of making the most of your own neurology is to understand it. Learn about yourself and the way ADHD shows up in your life — the challenges and the impressive gifts!

People First: Keeping Social Distancing From Becoming Social Isolation

People First: Keeping Social Distancing From Becoming Social Isolation

These are challenging times, and from the need for social distancing with Covid-19, isolation and loneliness have become a pandemic of their own. It’s essential that we take this increase in loneliness seriously, for our own self care and to do all that we can for those especially vulnerable. 

Being Real Is Good for Your Health

Being Real Is Good for Your Health

Living authentically is not for the faint of heart.  It can be scary and vulnerable to address our emotions and frailties, to look at ourselves honestly and to be more real with the people in our lives. That being said, not addressing our emotional side, along with not being true to ourselves, comes with a heavy burden — on our mental health as well as on the fulfillment and satisfaction within our souls.

How to Support Your Mate with Depression, Anxiety and Disorders

How to Support Your Mate with Depression, Anxiety and Disorders

When I work with couples in my counseling practice, time and time again, I see one or both struggle with some kind of anxiety, depression or other mental health disorder. While not a deal breaker by any means, unresolved mental health problems can lie at the heart of couples’ greatest friction and disconnection.