
People First: Keeping Social Distancing From Becoming Social Isolation

People First: Keeping Social Distancing From Becoming Social Isolation

These are challenging times, and from the need for social distancing with Covid-19, isolation and loneliness have become a pandemic of their own. It’s essential that we take this increase in loneliness seriously, for our own self care and to do all that we can for those especially vulnerable. 

The Competitive Couple: How to Avoid this Toxic Dynamic

 The Competitive Couple: How to Avoid this Toxic Dynamic

Whether it’s about who does more or who makes more, or maybe it’s who works the hardest or who is in better shape. The bottom line is that while couples yearn to come together as one, the human ego has a pesky way of allowing competition to invade the safe haven needed for love to deepen and grow. Here are some common competitive scenarios I hear about:

Family Estrangement: Why Children Cut Off Their Parents and Tips for Healing

 Family Estrangement: Why Children Cut Off Their Parents and Tips for Healing

Some splits between parent and child come from something sudden or dramatic, but most broken ties develop gradually and stem from misunderstandings and less extreme, albeit hurtful, interactions. Let’s talk about what hope there might be if you are estranged from your parent or child. Here's what I recommend…

Depression in Men: What's at the Root and How to Help

Depression in Men: What's at the Root and How to Help

I am hoping to shed light on the often undetected signs of depression in men and what tends to be at the root. And most importantly, offer some tools for healing depression and lifting oneself into a life of happiness.

The Danger of Comparing: How to Live Happily Being You

The Danger of Comparing: How to Live Happily Being You

As Mitch Prinstein, a psychologist at University of North Carolina, puts it in his interview with Psychology Today, “Social media has created a life-long adolescence.” The best news of all is that we have a choice in the matter and possess within us everything we need to“feel good in our own skin and be happy with who we are.” 

Turning Friction into Closeness: Soulful Ways to Address Conflict

Turning Friction into Closeness: Soulful Ways to Address Conflict

Our married partners tend to hold the license to trigger our buttons like no one else can. The truth is that most of society doesn’t understand what it takes for love to be lasting and fulfilling. We are good at one, or the other. But both lasting and fulfilling — this becomes a perplexing enterprise.